Who Should I Share My Story With?


Avail NYC exists to be a safe haven for women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy or seeking support after an abortion. We are not a medical provider.


An unexpected pregnancy can rank as one of the biggest life-changing experiences someone can face. For some, the timing doesn’t feel right.

If you’re having thoughts like, "I'm pregnant, but I don’t want to be a mom," or “I’m pregnant, but I’m not ready to be a mom,” you’re not alone. Feelings like this can come with a complex mix of emotions, ranging from disbelief and confusion to guilt and isolation. Whatever you’re feeling, know that there is hope. Let’s explore how you can navigate this chapter with compassion and healthy processing.

Embracing Your Emotions

The initial realization of an unexpected pregnancy can bring on a flood of emotions. Give yourself permission to feel these emotions. When you allow yourself to fully experience these feelings, you actually do yourself a favor. Rather than suppressing your emotions, bringing them in and processing them gives you the opportunity to overcome and release those feelings.

Whatever you’re feeling – fear, anger, sadness, shame, or even a sense of relief in acknowledging your true feelings – these emotions are valid and understandable responses to a big discovery. Your feelings don’t define your character or dictate the path you must choose.

Instead, this time of letting yourself feel is an opportunity for reflection. Think about what you want, what you fear, and what your core values are that guide your life. Make sure that the values you label as most important are truly yours, and not those of your social circle or society. When you know what guides you, you’ll be better equipped to make a decision that you can stand by confidently.

Finding Safe Support People

Once you’ve processed your emotions, it’s important to have support. Sometimes it can be hard to know who to trust, but think of people – whether friends, family members, or professional counselors – who can provide support and guidance without judgment.

If you’re not sure who to talk to or feel isolated, you don’t have to do this alone. The personal advocates at Avail NYC are trained, compassionate experts who can help you think through who to talk to for support and offer their own unbiased support through every step.

A safe space where you can openly express your thoughts and emotions without pressure is invaluable.

Considering Your Options with Care

When unexpectedly pregnant, slowing down and stepping back to assess what's best for you, both now and in the future is essential. Whether considering parenting, adoption, or abortion, each path carries its own set of emotional and practical challenges.

Thoroughly research each option to make an informed decision that resonates with your personal beliefs and goals. For those leaning towards abortion, consider taking time to understand the procedure, pills, aftermath, safety, and importance of aligning the decision with your personal values.

Making an Informed and Personal Decision

Avail NYC is committed to helping you make a decision that you can feel confident in. We understand that making a decision is complex, and often difficult. It requires careful consideration of your immediate emotions and long-term goals. Allow yourself the time to weigh the pros and cons of each option, considering their potential impacts on your life and the lives of others. It's okay to experience doubt or change your mind; the goal is to make sure that your decision feels right for you.

Talking with an advocate who is trained to help present each option without judgment or pressure, listen to your thoughts and feelings, offer helpful resources and connections, and work through challenges can offer a stable foundation for you to build from. You choose what you feel best aligns with your values and goals.

Please note that Avail NYC is not a medical provider, and that you should contact a medical professional for all medical information.

Looking to the Future

Throughout your sharing process, caring for yourself should be your first priority. Seek out activities and practices that nourish your soul and mind. Many practice self care by engaging in creative outlets, spending time in nature, or practicing mindfulness and meditation. 

Remember, seeking help and support is a sign of strength, not weakness. Allow yourself the space to feel, heal, and grow at your own pace. It's a journey that does not have a fixed timeline.

The Power of Sharing Your Story

Opening up about personal experiences can be incredibly powerful. It not only helps in your own healing process but can also encourage others to share their stories, reducing stigma and fostering a supportive community. 

By sharing, you add another chapter to a larger story that can inspire change, both within yourself and in the world around you. Your story has the unique power to touch lives in ways you might not have expected, providing comfort to others who feel isolated in their experiences.

Considering Professional and Community Support

Sometimes, the support we need goes beyond our immediate circle. Professional counselors or therapists, especially those specialized in reproductive health, can offer invaluable guidance and a non-biased ear. 

Additionally, support groups—both in-person and online—connect you with other women and men facing similar situations, offering a sense of community and understanding. 

These spaces are designed to be safe havens for sharing your experiences. You’ll be understood and free to share without having to explain yourself.

You’re Not Alone

Choosing who to share your story with is a deeply personal decision, influenced by your emotional needs, the trustworthiness of those around you, and the type of support you need. If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy or want support after an abortion, talk with an Avail NYC Personal Advocate. 

Each advocate is trained to help you talk through who to trust and how to share your story, if you feel like you’re ready for that step. Equipped to help you take a look at your friends, family members, and partner, or connect you to a professional, your advocate can help you find the right person who will respect your story and offer the understanding and empathy you deserve. 

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Avail NYC is a safe space waiting to support you, every step of the way. Sharing your story is a choice that only you can make, and one that is a big step toward embracing yourself. By carefully thinking through who to trust with your experiences, you ensure that this step is both empowering and healing, opening the door to a community of support and understanding.

Talk with an Advocate Learn More


Avail NYC exists to be a safe haven for women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy or seeking support after an abortion. We are not a medical provider.


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Avail NYC provides free, compassionate support for women and men navigating unexpected pregnancies or seeking support after an abortion. Our trained Personal Advocates offer a safe, confidential space online or in-person to process emotions and explore options. Equipping clients with personalized coping strategies and resources, we empower them to move forward with confidence at their own pace. Avail NYC is not a medical provider. To learn more or meet with a personal advocate, visit Avail NYC.
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